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St Joseph's Camberwell Catholic Schools' Federation


Mission Statement

At St Joseph’s we aim to ensure that every child matters and all children are nurtured and learn without barriers. Our children are raised in the context of a diverse and vibrant Catholic community within the teachings of Jesus Christ and are witnesses to a Christian way of life. At St Joseph’s we belong to a loving, welcoming, forgiving family that lives in the life of the Gospels.

We celebrate that St Josephs is a secure, happy school with high expectations; trusted by the community. We embrace honesty, responsibility, respect, equality, tolerance and acceptance. We recognise that children have the ability to grow spiritually, emotionally, physically, intellectually and creatively and so will consequently achieve their very best in an ambitious supportive environment

Curriculum Rationale

Our curriculum is linked to our Mission Statement and is underpinned by this. We promote these values by words and deeds so that Catholic doctrine and practice permeate every aspect of the school’s activity. We provide a curriculum, which is broad and balanced, recognising every child is unique and created in the image of God. Our curriculum is designed to enable every child to discern their vocation and to be well equipped to follow it as active citizens in service to the world. We provide a wide range of extra-curricular activities and strong pastoral support. We incorporate democratic principles, value the rule of law, support individual liberty and foster a community in which different faiths are respected.

Our Aims

  • Catholic Christian education underpinned by the values of the Gospels

  • Dignity of each person is witnessed and developed spiritually, emotionally, physically, intellectually and creatively

  • A curriculum that is challenging and celebrates diversity enriching the community and supports the development of the whole child preparing them for life in the twenty first century

  • A learning environment that allows children to grow in their learning

  • To build the confidence and resilience of all children especially those who are new to learning, new to the country and those with limited life experiences

  • To enthuse a life-long love of reading

Curriculum Intent

The curricula at St Joseph’s incorporates the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum 2014 and EYFS Statutory Framework 2017. These are supported by a range of other experiences and opportunities that best meet the learning needs of the children in our school. It is important that both curricular consider the development of the whole child, not only concentrating on academic success. We endeavour to ensure the quality of education is well led, developing the skills and knowledge to build cultural capital so that social disadvantage can be addressed.

St Joseph’s, two schools with over 80% of their cohorts in the top 20% of social deprivation (IDACI 2019), with many families who speak English as an additional language and with a falling roll of Catholics, ensures the curriculum is fit for purpose and provides a range of experiences to support and develop learning. For example, Science week, One World Week, Book Week, Maths Week, the First Holy Communion Programme, Sporting activities, enrichment activities, specialist art and music teaching and a parents group for those new to English. It builds on children’s cultural capital developing British Values. SMSC is intrinsically rooted within it.

Our curriculum


  • Is based on Gospel Values and faith driven experiences

  • Enables responsibility and personal development

  • Builds children’s confidence so they develop a love of learning

  • Prepares children to be resilient and independent learners

  • Offers opportunities to be creative, problem solve and apply learnt skills

  • Is subject led with cross-curricular links

  • Develops specific subject knowledge and skills

  • Provides enrichment opportunities in all areas of learning through clubs, lunchtime activities, specific group work, workshops, external providers linked to the school and educational trips

  • Focuses on English specifically developing a much needed depth of vocabulary


The NC is implemented through subject led topics with cross curricular links made where possible. There are seven areas of learning and development in the EYFS – all are important and inter-connected. Progression is demonstrated within subject planning and an overview schema. All subjects are assessed to end of year criteria and monitored across the year. Subject Leaders regularly meet SLT and all staff to communicate curriculum developments and updates. Details of individual subjects can be found on our website.


The impact of our curriculum is monitored by SLT and Subject Leaders. This is measured by:

  • Subject Leader meetings with SLT

  • Subject Leader staff meetings

  • Lesson observation

  • Book looks

  • Learning walks

  • Assessment outcomes

  • Pupil Progress Meetings

  • Regular external monitoring and quality assurance through moderation and school improvement partners

  • Feedback from children, teachers and parents



Curriculum (ID 1033)

  • Assessment
  • Art and Design
  • Design and Technology
  • English
  • Geography
  • History
  • Computing
  • Mathematics
  • Music
  • Physical Education
  • Religious Studies
  • Science
  • Spanish
  • EYFS
  • Year 1 Provision
  • Curriculum Maps