Year 1 Provision
This unique and innovative approach to learning within Key Stage 1 is in its first year at St Joseph's and we feel that we have clear expectations and goals and exciting learning activities for the year ahead and we would like to share those with you.
Why is there a continuous provision in year 1?
Year1 is such a challenging year for many children. In Reception, children are able to refine their skills of exploration, creativity, awe and wonder about the world around them. They ask questions fuelled by their curiosity and learn at a pace that suits them and their needs. As soon as children approach Key stage 1 the expectation is that this area of development, which children have relished in for a year, must decrease and instead a more "formal" approach is introduced. Research has shown that this has a negative impact on some children, many disengaging with school and as a result, this can have long term implications on a child's wellbeing and overall enthusiasm towards learning. At St. Joseph's we are clear with why we want a continuous provision in year 1 as we want the children of St. Joseph's School to be enthusiastic, dynamic, problem solvers with an ability to show independence and team work in equal measure. We strive for children to be engaged and invested in what they do and not even realise that they are learning!
How is this different from Reception? What is a typical day for my child?
The classrooms have specific areas in Year 1 and some that are similar to that of Reception but the intention and the activities that take place are very different and in accordance to the expectations of our school curriculum. We pride ourselves on the delivery of high quality, fun and engaging lessons for the children. These include Supported Reading Sessions where each child reads in a small group with an adult 3 times per week. There are also English, Math and Phonics inputs that take place daily. Children will also have inputs in other subjects, Religious Education, Physical Education, History or Geography, Art or DT (Design Technology, RSHE (Relationship, Sex and Health Education), Computing and Science on a weekly or termly basis. The children take part in "child initiated" activities twice a day. This allows for the children to explore both the classroom and outdoor area in their own unique way and also gives them an opportunity to consolidate their learning from a specific input. Each area in the room mirrors what the children are being taught that week. This is a crucial part of out Year 1 provision. It allows children to use physical models and equipment to make their learning concrete. There is a clear mix of purposeful input and independent practice in Year 1 which underpins our effective approach to lessons.
During the Summer Term children transition from continuous provision to a more formal approach ready for Year2.
What is the role of the adult within the room?
The role of the adult within Year 1 is to support the children and ensure that they are exposing them to deliberate practice of skills and knowledge within the environment. Through questioning and strong modelling they will extend and challenge the children's learning further. It is crucial that the adult working within the room scaffolds ideas and methods in a clear way, that the support that is given is very slowly removed. When a child is able to demonstrate that they have confidently obtained this skill they can carry it out independently.
We feel that at St. Joseph's our school values reinforce this remarkable and positive approach and it promotes a life long love of learning for all of our children.