Our PE days are on Mondays and Wednesdays. The only jewellery to be worn is a pair of stud earrings. Long hair must be tied back with a grey, white, yellow, blue or black hairband
Water Bottles
Please make sure your child brings a named water bottle to school every day and that it contains water, not juice.
Please can all your child's belongings have their name in. This makes it much easier to return lost items to the correct child.
Children need to practise phonics daily at home! We encourage children to read as often as possible at home to an adult, as this will greatly support the development of their literacy skills. Children who read regularly at home make more rapid progress in all subjects.
Children should read to an adult every day and this should be recorded in the reading record.
Books will be changed at least once a week.
Spellings will be given out on a Friday and tested on a Thursday