Reception Admissions
At St. Joseph's Catholic Infants' School, we are very proud of our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) provision. During their time at our school, your child will develop their personal and social skills as well as their speaking and listening skills; both of which form the basis of future effective learners. There is also a focus on the full EYFS curriculum. Children who attend our Reception make a smooth transition from nursery and progress well throughout the rest of the Key Stage 1 and Key stage 2.
We host a number of Open Days for Reception in the Autumn term for prospective parents and carers of children who wish to apply to our school. On these Open days, parents and carers are given a tour of our school by pupils to see classes in action and have an opportunity to speak to the executive headteacher, senior leadership staff, and current parents.
Please contact the School Office to register your interest. 0207 703 9264
If you would like to apply for Reception year entry for your child (if born between 1st September 2020 -31st August 2021) to attend St. Joseph's from September 2025, please read through our Admissions Policy below and note the criteria for ranking of applications in the event of oversubscription.
On 18th November 2021, the Governing Body agreed to vary the Admissions Policy 2024-2025 to comply with the New Admissions Code 2021.
You will need to complete our Supplementary Information Form(SIF) below and return this to the school. Please include evidence of your child's date of birth, and include any relevant documents e.g. baptismal certificate and Priest reference form.
- Admissions Policy 2024-25
- Admissions Policy St Josephs Infants 2026-2027 For Consultation Draft
- admissions-guidance-for-priests-july-2020-
- admissions-guidance-for-schools-july-2020-
- appeal-hearings-timetable
- appendix-1-appendix-2
- education commission appeals advice
- Infant Admission Form
- Priest Reference Form
- Starting Primary School In Southwark Brochure 2025-26
Incomplete application forms without accompanying documentation (where applicable) will be ranked as Criteria 11 'All Other Children'. Hence please ensure that all paperwork is in order prior to handling these in to the School Office.
Note that you will additionally need to apply to your Local Authority, no later than 15th January 2025.
Visit where you can create an account and start the application process with the local authority.
Some information you will require for the eAdmissions Online Admissions site:-
St Joseph's Catholic Infants' School
School ID: 2105204 - Address: Pitman Street, Camberwell, London SE5 0TS